Sit. Rep. #125: Sort Colors, Stuffed Training, Simple things

1- The current thinking in current medical/responder triage for mass casualty incidents (MCI) is to use 5 colors.  You do not have to have an MCI to use this coding/tagging system.  You can express to the 911 operator that you have X of Y color; that will help the responders.  IE: I have 1 Red … Read more

Sit. Rep. #92: Hiking, Checklists, and Flowers

1- As fall approaches and Troops start becoming active after summer camp; I think of hiking & backpacking.  The main purpose of my emails/blogs is to have a conversation around Scouting, Advancement, Leadership, & the Outdoors.  This may seem elementary to some but I am going to start with some foundation information about preparing, surviving, … Read more