Sit. Rep. #90: Itchy Itchy, Scratchy Scratchy

1-This song is titled “The Happy Wanderer” by Florenz Friedrich Sigismund.  First verse: I love to go a-wandering, Along the mountain track, And as I go, I love to sing, My knapsack on my back. 1B- Rudyard Kipling wrote the poem “The Way Through The Woods.”  Here is the second verse. Yet, if you enter … Read more

Sit. Rep. #89: Fuzz, Mercator, & Cultures

Map Projections: 1- Think of projecting a picture on a wall.  It does not matter what the original shape of the object was when the picture was taken.  The picture on the wall is 2 dimensions.  The projection is 2 dimensions.  Our Earth is roughly a sphere.  Any map in 2 dimensions distorts that 3 … Read more

Sit. Rep. #88: Dancing Ghosts, Projections, & Pioneer Projects

Map Info: 1- Let me get 2 things out of the way first:    A- When is a map out-of-date?  The day it is published.  The world is constantly changing. B- Every map distorts something.  How much and how it distorts depends on the type of projection that the cartographer uses.  Any map that is … Read more