Sit. Rep. #62: Spice in your life

1- I  want to recommend another book for reading. Thunder Below!  by Eugene B Fluckey.  He was the Captain of the Submarine Barb during WW II.  He had an opportunity to sabotage a train.  His criteria for choosing the saboteur squad was:     ” My secret criteria were: first, no married men, except Hatfield; second, members … Read more

Sit. Rep. #25: Please, no splinters

From the old guy;  Note: Different countries/cultures call the same part different things- ie: they use different words to mean the same thing even when we are using the language. 1- A while back I was asked what single thing I wanted to have if I was ever lost and in a survival situation.  My … Read more

Sit. Rep. #24: Reagan’s idea on Service

1: In interviewing your family, ask some of these questions:  When & where were you born?  How many states and countries have you ever visited?  Which was the most fun? Interesting? Where did you learn the most?  What was the culture like there?  Music? Art? Cooking? (Hint: Best dish/recipe) Political hierarchy?  Were you in Scouts … Read more