1- I am looking for an artist &/or photographer to help me design a logo. The website is using WordPress which I am learning bit-by-bit. I could use some pictures from campouts, campfires, Scouts in general.
2- Here are a couple of weather tips that I have learned over the years. When you hear a weather forecast that says: ” Winds, North North East at 10″ That translates to The winds are out of the NNE at 10 MPH. Most winds, the prevailing winds in the lower 48 are out of the west and northwest. Close to the coasts, the prevailing versus the current winds are not always in sync. Especially here east of the Appalachian Mountains where the prevailing winds meet the mountains and the Gulf of Mexico winds and the Atlantic Ocean Winds.
I know this ( below ) works in the Northern Hemisphere. If someone Down Under or South of the equator can try this and tell me if this is true or works exactly opposite for C1 & C2 below.
- A- Point your nose into the winds until you get a “stereo” wind sound in both ears. The sound should be equal in volume and in tone. It may help to close your eyes to listen more intently. That way your nose is pointed into the wind. Take a wind direction using your ears, nose & compass.
- B- Now do a 180 and get a similar effect to your ears but you are hearing a “null” in stereo that should be equal in both ears. This puts your back to the wind.
- C1- With your back to the wind observe the clouds. The higher clouds the better ones to observe. If the clouds are moving from Left-to-Right; Then you have a coming Low-Pressure front with (usually) bad weather. The Low-Pressure center is off to your left.
- C2- If the clouds are moving from Right-to-Left; then you have an approaching High Pressure with fair weather. The High-Pressure center is off to your right.
- D- If the lower clouds and the upper clouds are not going in the same direction (except at the beach), then you have a stationary or occluded front. Then the weather you have is the weather you have … until one side of the front wins over the other side and becomes dominant.
- E- Write down the wind direction and time so you can compare later to see if the winds change. If the winds change more than a few degrees, then a change in the weather is headed your way. Be aware and be careful. Write the wind data down stating it like the weather forecasters – ie: use the same terminology.
NOTE: NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a branch of the US Department of Commerce. NOAA is the parent organization of the National Weather Service.
I- You can never trust an Atom.
J- Yeah. They make up everything.
3- Beach winds are dominated by the change in temperature of the ground versus the change in temperature of the water. The first sunlight heats the land faster than the water. This gives an updraft of air over land and then a sea breeze flows inland to take the place of the updraft heated air.
3B- In the evening the ground cools faster than the seawater. Therefore giving rise to a land breeze to take the place of the warm updraft air over the water.
4- Radio antennas: A simple antenna is a half-wave dipole antenna. You should consider the orientation of the antenna because it radiates better in some directions than others.
Which of the following describes a simple dipole oriented parallel to the earth’s surface?
A horizontally polarized antenna
In which direction does a half-wave dipole antenna radiate the strongest signal?
Broadside to the antenna
The length of a dipole antenna is actually about 5% shorter than the value that you would calculate using the formula wavelength (m) = 300 / frequency (MHz). The reason for this is that there will be some stray capacitance between the wire and the ground and other objects near the antenna.
What is the approximate length, in inches, of a half-wavelength 6-meter dipole antenna?
112 inches
Calculation. One-half wavelength is 3 m. 3 m x 40 in/m = 120 inches. Since the length of the antenna is about 5% shorter than this calculated value, the approximate length of the antenna will be 120 inches x 0.95, or about 112 inches. ( the math says 114 inches but the correct answer on the FCC test is 112 inches.)
How would you change a dipole antenna to make it resonant on a higher frequency?
Shorten it (Higher frequency – shorter wavelength)
Hint: If you need to make it resonant on a lower frequency ( longer wavelength ) you will need to lengthen the antenna.
K- You know the new social distancing thing per ham radio operators.
L- Yep. 1 wavelength at 144 MHz equals 2 meters.
5- Don’t forget to wear safety glasses or goggles when using a saw, hatchet, or axe. Chips and sawdust may fly. Do not get distracted. Pay attention to your work at hand. Work safe.
6- You can consider the American Flag just a collection of colored cloth. I like to think of the American Flag as a symbol that started with the American Revolution on April 19, 1775. It represents the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. It represents all of the US Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen & Women, and Coast Guard members that have protected and continue to protect us and this country.
Please respect the flag!
Saluting them all,