1- In this July heat I think about winter camping. It seems to me that it is easier to warm up than to cool down. Unless you are camping beside a body of water that you can go sit in till the heat & sweat are more under control. Winter camping also has fewer bugs and critters that like to chew on folks.
1B- Winter camping gear should go on start-of-season sales shortly. For Scout-age folks, buy thermal under & outerwear 2 sizes too big for now. I promise you will grow into them. Except for Boots! Get the right size boots and make sure they are comfortable. And then break them in before going camping. An additional dose of waterproofing is never wrong.
2- Here are several things that you can check out to lighten your backpack:
- A- Just carry the tent fly. You still need tent stakes and guy lines. You give up a bit of privacy and bug screens.
- B- Repack the foods that you can into ziplock-type baggies. Include the cooking directions from the box.
- C- Use 550 cord that is stronger and lighter than most guy lines from the manufacture. Reflective colors are the best for tarps & tents.
- D- Pack to stay warm & dry in layers. Pack extra socks & liners.
- E- Is it lighter to carry a wood-burning stove over a gas or bottled fuel stove? Plus Fuel.
- F- 1 saw or hatchet per Troop. Share & reduce the weight.
- G- What else can you share to reduce the weight that you may be carrying?
A- What lies at the bottom of the lake & quivers?
B- A nervous boat wreck.
3- Mike Guardia wrote a book on General Hal Moore called Hal Moore on Leadership. Let me share some wisdom from General Moore. “There are two things a leader can do: either he can contaminate his environment with his attitudes and action or he can inspire confidence.”
Given that each of us is in a leadership position at many points in our lives; If we make decisions that place my / our personal objectives above the needs of the group, then I am not a leader. I am selfish.
I will parse out Leader and Leadership as I come to grips with each and I will continue to study both.
4- Ham Radio HF Propagation:
For reliable long-distance communications, amateurs use the HF frequencies. The reason for this is that HF signals bounce of the ionosphere. This phenomenon allows amateur radio operators to contact other amateur radio stations around the world. The ionosphere is created by solar radiation, which creates a high concentration of ions and free electrons that reflect radio waves. It extends from about 50 to 600 miles above the earth’s surface.
Which part of the atmosphere enables the propagation of radio signals around the world?
The ionosphere
Which of the following is an advantage of HF vs VHF and higher frequencies?
Long-distance ionospheric propagation is far more common on HF
One interesting phenomenon that is related to HF propagation is the sunspot cycle. Generally, the number of sunspots increases and decreases over an 11-year cycle, and HF propagation, especially on the higher frequency HF bands, is best at times when there are many sunspots. Because of the way that the ionosphere changes throughout the day, propagation is best on the higher frequency bands (10m, 15m, and 20m) during the day, while propagation is best on the lower frequency bands (160m, 80m, 40m) at night.
Which of the following bands may provide long-distance communications during the peak of the sunspot cycle?
6 or 10-meter bands
What is the best time for long-distance 10 meter band propagation via the F layer?
From dawn to shortly after sunset during periods of high sunspot activity
C- I heard that Humpty Dumpty had a great summer.
D- But he had a really bad fall.
Relative Humidity, RH, is the percent of water vapor saturating the air. RH can never be over 100%. The Dew Point can never be higher than the temperature. The closer the Dew Point is to the temperature, the RH is, therefore, closer to 100 %. 100 % RH means that the air is totally saturated with water vapor. Warmer air can hold more water vapor than colder air.
5B- For an airplane pilot the RH & Dew Point mean a great deal. Water vapor molecules are lighter than dry air. Water vapor density is just 62% of dry air. Therefore it is harder for the aircraft wings to get lift in high RH situations. Especially in high heat and high RH!
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