1- Tomorrow we do a service project for the local food bank. How do we let the public know about it? How can we get the word out so the public can help the food bank? How do we let the public know how the food bank will use the proceeds? How do we say “Thank You” to the folks that donate? The answer is A Press Release.
2- Let me break it down into simple steps:
- a- We need a Troop Letterhead. Get a Scout to design the logo. We can even have a competition on designs.
- b- Who do we send the press release to? TV & Cable Stations, Radio Stations, Newspapers, Web sites?
- c- The press release has to include the following:
- Who (organization & who is the contact person within that organization)
- What (is the organization doing)
- When (time, day & date)
- Where (EXACT location – both street numbers and business/building name)
- Why (what problem are you helping solve)
- How the project/collection will work
- ( They do not have to be in order. It helps to have it read like a little story. )
Old North State Council, BSA Troop 25 is having a canned food drive this Saturday. The drive is to replenish the stocks of the local food bank, COAT (Community Outreach of Archdale Trinity). Because of the COVID-19 restrictions on jobs, the COAT pantry has been in high demand and is very low on food.
Troop 25 is taking donations of non-perishable food or money starting at 10 am on Saturday, May 2, 2020. The drive will last until 1 pm.
The locations for food collection are 123456 Main street, Archdale, NC at XYZ Church, And at Food Lion at 654321 Main Street, Archdale, NC in the DEF shopping Center. Look for the Scouts in uniform and wearing PPE. Please respect social distancing.
The Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 25 is _____. And the Troop Scout Master is ______. The Scout Master’s phone number is——–.
For further information about donations to COAT, please call 336——— and speak with ______.
See how a few simple sentences cover all the necessary facts. We should be doing press releases for every Service Project. We do need to take pics for our own website with a write-up.
A Press Release post-event that says Thank You is also a big plus in the Troop’s favor. That way you can give summaries of what the Troop accomplished. Keep copies of the Press Releases and of the coverage that the Troop got from the Press Releases.
A- Scoutmaster! Scoutmaster! There is a kidnapping at camp.
B- Then wake him up.
3- Look up the term “zoonotic” disease.
4- Start in January (any January) and plan out how many times a truck touches the food (Cheerios for example) that you eat in December. (think big farm in Kansas)
5- Let me suggest the single best book (that I have found) on the outdoors. “Camping & Survival” – Paul Tarwell.
He has published several editions. Get one dated 2011 or later. The cost is about 35 $ used. It is like your Scout Handbook on steroids! It is worth the $$$!
C- Where is the best place to find out about trees?
D- At the branch library.
46 states of shifting gears,