Sit. Rep. #130: Good for the Soul, Riparian Zones

1- These blogs, these Sit. Reps. are written primarily for Scouts, parents, and Scout Leaders.  I also try to make the information useful to anyone that is beginning or refreshing their camping and outdoor skills.  At best I consider myself an Outdoors Person.  I am not a good hunter or fisherman.  But I love going camping, hunting, and fishing.  I am most happy with a fly rod in my hand trying to outfish or out-think a largemouth bass.  Or quietly waiting in the chilly morning fog for a buck to show.

My dad spent about 3 years in Army tents and did not like camping.  He took us camping once.  I fell in love with camping.  Mr. Wells and his son went with us.  Just the 5 of us and all of mother nature.  I learned to cook on a camp stove at about age 8 on that trip.  The dads spent that evening trying to show us the difference between stars & planets.  Even after all these years (and decades); I continue to learn about the outdoors.

Nikola Tesla urges us forward with ‘the boldness of ignorance’ and I have that in spades.  Let’s learn together.

2- If you were to distill me; I hope that you would find a love of nature and the outdoors, a love of sharing and teaching, and a rising talent for research and writing.

A: What do you get when you cross a chicken with a cow?
B: Roost Beef.

3- Campsite selection and ethics thoughts.

  • Camp on sites that are flat as possible
  • Camp on durable surfaces, established sites, gravel, dry grass
  • Stay away from riparian zones, zones close to bodies of water, camp at least 200 feet / 75 meters away
  • Stay away from any & every known wildlife nesting sites or trails
  • Do not block wildlife from water sources
  • Do not alter any part of the site / no digging or moving rocks
  • Small as possible campsite
  • Look for sites without vegetation
  • Avoid pristine areas
  • If necessary, break up camp into multiple very small sites
  • Plan to have latrine and cooking areas apart from each other
  • Set up a wash station that will not leave reminders of that location’s use
  • Set up latrine/s that will not leave reminders of that location’s use also
  • Do not camp near cultural or historic sites
  • Camp away from other campers  (avoid the snoring et. al.)
  • Listen and observe nature
  • Avoid being loud especially after sunset and before sunrise
  • Be courteous to other campers at all times
  • Do not remove anything (plants, rocks, animals) except trash

Camp like a Ghost – Sit. Rep. #106.

Google Docs List for Low Impact / Leave No Trace Camping:

C: What was the name of the ship did the vampire bat captained?
D: The Blood Vessel.

Thank you for letting me into your world,

Leave No Trace Web Site

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