Sit. Rep. #124: Risk, Q Signals, EPIRBs

1- This is from the Pacific Crest Trail Association:

  1. There is intrinsic risk in the wilderness. lightning, cold weather, falling rock, wild animals, and a long list of other/additional dangers exist. It’s not 100% safe. A twisted ankle can be life-threatening if you are alone. Learn first aid.
  2. You are responsible for your own safety.
  3. You can minimize most of the risk with knowledge, equipment, and planning. It’s imperative that you are well prepared.

Travel within your skill level. Leave expert stuff to the experts. Knowingly accepting risk and managing it is quite different than walking into danger blindly. Maintain awareness at all times, and remember you are responsible for your own safety.  Pay attention to details of your surroundings and the people you encounter.  Look for anything that does not fit or sends a red flag. It is easier to avoid getting into a dangerous situation than to get out of one.

C: When is the Veterinarian the busiest?
D: When it rains cats and dogs.

2- HF Ham Radio Operation and Abbreviations:
What is the meaning of the procedural signal “CQ”?
    Calling any station
Which of the following is a guideline when choosing an operating frequency for calling CQ?
     All of these choices are correct
         • Listen first to be sure that no one else is using the frequency
         • Ask if the frequency is in use
         • Make sure you are in your assigned band
How should you respond to a station calling CQ?
Transmit the other station’s call sign followed by your call sign
Which of the following is required when making on-the-air test transmissions?
Identify the transmitting station

Which Q signal indicates that you are receiving interference from other stations?
Which Q signal indicates that you are changing frequency?

What is a band plan, beyond the privileges established by the FCC?
      A voluntary guideline for using different modes or activities within an amateur band
Which of the following applies when two stations transmitting on the same frequency interfere with each other?
     Common courtesy should prevail, but no one has an absolute right to an amateur frequency

What is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)?
  Licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service
Which of the following describes the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)?
     All of these choices are correct
         • A radio service using amateur frequencies for emergency management or civil defense communications
         • A radio service using amateur stations for emergency management or civil defense communications
         • An emergency service using amateur operators certified by a civil defense organization as being enrolled in that organization
What do RACES and ARES have in common?
       Both organizations may provide communications during emergencies

E: At the outdoor chapel, where does the skunk sit?
F: In any peeeeew he wants.

3- Personal Locator Beacons (PLB) are your access to 911 / Emergency Dispatch when you are in trouble in the wilderness.  Here is a good article, by REI, link discussing some of the different types.  Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) are mostly used by boaters.  The PLBs are the land-based cousin of the EPIRBs.   “Any distress signal should only be sent when you’re in imminent danger of loss of life or limb, and when no means of self-rescue can get you to safety.”  Here is an Amazon link so you can compare prices and features.
3B- READ and be extremely familiar with all the features of the unit before setting out.  When you are in trouble is NOT the time to start reading the instructions.  Get prepared so that you can respond quickly.  Please note that response time in the wilderness is longer than when you are at home.  It may be hours or longer before someone can get to you.
3C- Make Wilderness First Aid a top priority before you go out!  Take a class.  Read several books.  Talk with rescue and medical responders.  Learn the multiple uses for OTC Meds.

G: Why was the mother Owl worried about her son?
H: He did give a hoot about anything.

4- Meeting Plans & Notes: Scouts & Scouting Methods
(This is a good meeting for new Scouts and (maybe) parents)

Explain the Patrol Method,
Explain the Buddy System, (rotate buddies – helps everyone learn and trust each other)
Explain Safety & Good Conduct – esp: Bullying, Latrine, and shower usage, Guide to Safe Scouting, Youth Protection, Taking pictures and videos,

Meet all Troop Leadership including adults and their roles,
Demonstrate a PLC,
Ask for individual interests (historian, photographer, musician, website developer…)
Take inventory of parent’s skills (jobs & hobbies)

Ask if there are any questions about Advancement and Advancement methods,
Demonstrate and explain Board of Review and Scoutmaster Conference,
Teach that no question is a dumb question.

Spread laughter, not germs,

Dan Romanchik KB6NU, Technician Study Guide

Campfire Skits:   by Thomas Mercaldo

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