1- Camping for the first time? Let’s walk through some considerations together.
A: Shelter, do you have a tent or are you staying at some other kind of shelter? What is your backup plan if the shelter is not available?
B: Water, do you know how to treat or filter to make the water safe to drink (potable)?
C: Food, please do not count on pastries, candy bars, and protein bars. Plan, cook, and eat real food!
D: Stay located, can you read a map? And navigate well enough to stay safe & located?
E: Warm & dry, proper outdoors clothes. Cold, snow, heat, and rain gear?
2- There are many underlying decisions in each item listed above. Break each down and make lists. (That is how I do it.)
Simply put: What do I need? What do I have? How do I get what is missing? Your lists should include equipment/gear, supplies, and skills.
Example: Can you build a fire to cook on? Can you cook on an open fire? Do you have 2 or more ways of starting a fire? What is your backup plan? What kind of fuel are you going to use? Where are you going to get that fuel? How can I cook if it is raining? How will you put the fire out? How will you keep the fire safely contained?
Ask all these questions before ever leaving on your trip. Ask everyone that is going on this trip the same questions. Staying safe takes preparation!
2B- If you are not safe then you are not going to have fun. Link to a planning spreadsheet in Google Sheets:
Y: What do you call a lamb covered in chocolate?
Z: A candy baaaaa.
3- Emergency Ham Radio Information & Questions: Thanks to Dan Romanchik KB6NU, (Ham Radio) Technician Study Guide
What is meant by the term “NCS” used in net operation?
Net Control Station
Which of the following is an accepted practice for an amateur operator who has checked into a net?
Remain on frequency without transmitting until asked to do so by the net control station
Which of the following is an accepted practice to get the immediate attention of a net control station when reporting an emergency?
Begin your transmission by saying “Priority” or “Emergency” followed by your call sign
What does the term “traffic” refer to in net operation
Formal messages exchanged by net stations
Which of the following is a characteristic of good traffic handling?
Passing messages exactly as received
What should be done when using voice modes to ensure that voice messages containing unusual words are received correctly?
Spell the words using a standard phonetic alphabet
What information is contained in the preamble of a formal traffic message?
The information needed to track the message
What is meant by the term “check,” in reference to a formal traffic message?
The number of words or word equivalents in the text portion of the message
A: What do you call 10 rabbits dancing backward?
B: A receding hare line.
4- Here is the link to the USGS Topographical Map Symbols (PDF) file. Only 4 pages – I suggest that you print it in color. If nothing else – print and put it into a watertight ziplock baggie. Practice your map reading and study your upcoming trip before leaving. Study it many times – not just once. Hint: Get your USGS map months in advance and map out your plan.
4B- Here is the link to the AT Trail Guide. See if there is a guide for your trip.
5- Meeting Plans & Notes:
I am also going to suggest that we alternate between Scout to First Class requirements and MB work. As older / more advanced Scouts teach the newer Scouts; they review those basic skills while teaching.
First meeting plan: get creative and have fun.
(This is a good meeting for new Scouts)
Explain EDGE,
Demonstrate EDGE,
Show different uses for the skill you have just taught,
Explain using different resources to teach,
Explain and show different resources to learn from,
Demonstrate a game using the skill,
Explain 3 basic Learning Styles,
How to incorporate Learning Styles into EDGE,
Show how testing, & advancement will work,
Wishing a safe journey to all the explorers,