Sit. Rep. #119: CQ, Down Hill, Sharks

1- Where to camp?  The basic answer, that Scouts follow, is where you make the least impact on the environment, wildlife, and fellow campers.  Most State & Federal parks (and private campgrounds) have specific campsites that you MUST use.
In wilderness areas these are some of my considerations when selecting an area to set up camp:

  • Away from any trails.
  • Not blocking wildlife access to food or water or to nesting.
  • Avoid slopes.
  • Avoid gullies, ravines, gorge, washes, and depressions.  Avoid being at the bottom of the terrain feature where water will flow.
  • Avoid bare hill tops and solo trees.
  • Stay above the flood or high tide line.
  • Select an area that is big enough that cooking and latrines are far enough away from each other and from tents that smells and marauders do not invade your tent.
  • Close to a water source.
  • Avoid rocky, muddy, and marsh/swamp sites.
  • Pick a site that will be easy to clean and practice Leave No trace when you leave.
  • Avoid slopes – if slopes are necessary – sleep with your head uphill on the most gentile slope that you can find.

E: What do you call 2 Monkeys in Brazil sharing an Amazon Account?
F: Prime – Mates.

2- Did your planning include finding a suitable campsite?  Planning is the first place and time to avert problems.
Planning checklist: (draft version)  HINT: Write out all answers so that nothing is missed.

  1. What is the purpose of the trip?
  2. Who is going?
  3. Where are you going?
  4. Depart Time.
  5. Transportation to _____ ( trailhead, campground, Scout Camp, …).
  6. Budget (transportation, food, fees, equipment, purchases, guides, rentals, licenses…) personal and Patrol and Troop.
  7. Who is your home base contact that is not going on the trip?  One that will call the authorities at the appointed “Freak Out” time.
  8. Gear: personal & Patrol & Troop.  (Gear checkout and maintenance)
  9. Clothing:  under to outerwear. (and sewing/repair kit)
  10. Food: menus & purchasing.
  11. Cook Gear: pots, pans, utility tools, soap, gloves/hot pot holders, scrubbies…
  12. Stoves & fuel & lighting necessities, & maintenance kit.
  13. Fire Building supplies: fire starters, matches, lighters.
  14. Water resources: purification tablets or liquids, filters, canteens & patrol size jugs.
  15. Additional Training needed before the trip: First Aid/CPR, knots, cooking, map & compass, leadership, team building, physical fitness, medical approval, parental permission, Leave No trace, Youth Protection, weather, white water, swimming, repelling, rock climbing, skiing/snowshoe, cold weather, leadership…
  16. Type of camping: car, backpacking, horseback, mule train, canoe, kayak, guided, 4-wheel, bike, RV…
  17. River crossings. getting wet – getting dry, keeping gear dry…
  18. Clean: hand washing, mess & cook kit cleaning, bathing, First Aid cleaning wounds…
  19. Service projects while on the trip.
  20. Transportation home.
  21. Clean, inspect, maintain, and store gear, clothes, leftover food.
  22. Be ready for the next trip.

This is a  bit of a long list – but you can be better prepared with an exhaustive list versus “winging it.”  My personal checklist also has places for Who, By When, Budgets, and Actual Costs.

Link to my Google docs. spreadsheet Trip Planning Sheet.

G: Why did the shark blush?
H: It saw the ocean’s bottom.

3- CQ, CQ, CQ Calling all future Hams:

Which agency regulates and enforces the rules for the Amateur Radio Service in the United States?
      The FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
Which of the following is a purpose of the Amateur Radio Service as stated in the FCC rules and regulations?
      Advancing skills in the technical and communication phases of radio art.

What is the FCC Part 97 definition of a beacon?
      An amateur station transmitting communications for the purposes of observing propagation or related experimental activities.
What is the FCC Part 97 definition of a space station?
      An amateur station located more than 50 km above the Earth’s surface.

When is willful interference to other amateur radio stations permitted?
     At no time.

Which of the following entities recommends transmit/receive channels and other parameters for auxiliary and repeater stations?
    Volunteer Frequency Coordinator recognized by local amateurs.
Who selects a Frequency Coordinator?
     Amateur operators in a local or regional area whose stations are eligible to be a repeater or auxiliary stations.

I: What kind of pig do you avoid at a party?
J: A Wild Boar.

Semper Paratus,

Superior Campfires by Thomas Mercaldo

Dan Romanchik KB6NU, (Ham Radio)  Technician Study Guide

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