Sit. Rep. #118: Hot Isotope, Scavenger Hunt

1- Games in camp:
– Kim’s knot game.  (count & name all the knots on the line)
– Kim’s nature game.  (name all the objects on the tray)
– Knot tying relay.  (tie the knots given or as many as possible in a given amount of time)

– Song writing contest.  (a given theme helps this along)
– Track the Lion.  ( A “Lion” goes out and leaves clues like corn seed to a “Lion’s” hideout)
– Steal the Bacon.  (how fast can you [verses your opponent] get the bacon back to your patrol – without getting tagged or caught)
– Crab Relay or Race.  (think wheelbarrow with 2 arms)

– Tug-of-War.  (duh)
– Hot Isotope.
(must be grabbed from a distance and put into shielding container – I use a canteen & a #10 food can – mark off the area that is too HOT to enter)

– Giant Clove Hitch.  (can’t get within 5 feet of the tree or post)
– Capture the Flag.  ( get to the opponent’s flag without being tagged while protecting your own flag)
– Compass Course.  (accuracy and time)
– Wilderness Trek.  (name the different animals, birds, trees,… while on a specific portion of a trail – or find THE specific nature item)
– Catapult Construction. (sometimes called a pumpkin toss – no live targets)

– Scout (or OA or First Aid or…) Knowledge Trek (Advances 1 step with every correct answer – after 2 wrong answers – out of the game)
– Scouting Report  ( go “scout out” another patrol without getting caught)
– First Aid relay ( knowledge and skill testing )
– Find North, South, East, & West at night.  (without a compass) Compare accuracy & quickness.
– Find North, South, East, & West during the day.   (without a compass) Compare accuracy & quickness.

– Cooking contests. (main course, one-pot-meal, foil pack, dessert, must use 1 particular ingredient)
– Acid Blanket. ( everyone must get to the other side of the blanket without leaving the blanket )
– One-Handed Bowline (everyone puts one hand on top their head and partners face each other,  they must tie a bowline around themselves and then connect together so that both team members can raise both of their hands into the air and trust the knots they have tied)
– Fill The Cup. (everyone has a spoon that they fill from a bucket on this end and try to fill the cup on the other end beating the other patrols using only the spoons to carry water)
– Scavenger Hunt. (take a bunch of stuff or just a small ball – let them search,  give hints every 5 or 10 mins.)

1B- I try to leave all my electronics at home with only 2 exceptions. 1- Emergency use cell or Satellite phone.  2- Camera.

A: What does a rain cloud wear under the raincoat?
B: Thunderwear.

2- FCC / Ham Questions:  Thanks to KB6NU Ham Radio Study Guides
What is the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)?
      A United Nations agency for information and communication technology issues.

Which frequency is within the 6-meter amateur band?
      52.525 MHz

Which amateur band are you using when your station is transmitting on 146.52 MHz?
      2-meter band
Why should you not set your transmit frequency to be exactly at the edge of an amateur band or sub-band?
     All of these choices are correct
        • To allow for calibration error in the transmitter frequency display
        • So that modulation sidebands do not extend beyond the band edge
        • To allow for transmitter frequency drift

What is the limitation for emissions on frequencies between 219 and 220 MHz?
      Fixed digital message forwarding systems only.
On which HF bands does a Technician class operator have phone privileges?
      10-meter band only
Which of the following HF bands have frequencies available to the Technician class operator for RTTY and data transmissions?
      10-meter band only
Which of the following VHF/UHF frequency ranges are limited to CW only?
      50.0 MHz to 50.1 MHz and 144.0 MHz to 144.1 MHz

What is the maximum peak envelope power output for Technician class operators using their assigned portions of the HF bands?
     200 watts
Except for some specific restrictions, what is the maximum peak envelope power output for Technician class operators using frequencies above 30 MHz?
     1500 watts

Which of the following is a result of the fact that the Amateur Radio Service is secondary in all or portions of some amateur bands (such as portions of the 70 cm band)?
     U.S. amateurs may find non-amateur stations in those portions and must avoid interfering with them.

C: What do Scouts play when they can’t get to their electronics?
D: Bored Games.

Semper Paratus,

Campsite Cooking by Thomas Mercaldo

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