1- Food. One of my favorite subjects… ;-). I am going to touch on this subject with a broad brush. Food comes in 3 categories: Protein, Carbohydrates (Carbs for short), and Fat. These 3 fuel our bodies in two different ways: Metabolism, and muscle Energy. I think of metabolism like a car just sitting there idling but not going anywhere. Just keeping your body running (heart, lungs, digestion, brain…) but not doing much else. Muscle energy is what powers you through things like walking, swimming, backpacking, football practice, soccer game, dancing, et cetera.
The foods that we eat have some or all of the 3 categories listed above in varying combinations. Fats are required by our bodies to process many vitamins. Fats should be no less than (about) 1/6 of our diet. If you are vigorously exercising fats should be up towards 1/3 of your diet. The reason for the uptick in percentage is that your body is processing the fats into energy for muscle use.
Carbohydrates are subdivided into simple carbs and complex carbs. Simple carbs are sugars. These calories burn quickly. What we want for backpacking and other exercise/workout is the fuel that will last over the long haul. This is where complex carbs come into play. Complex carbs come from things like nuts, wholewheat breads and cereals (especially whole oats), root vegetables, brown rice, & pasta.
Proteins also come in 2 forms: Animal protein and vegetable protein. Animal protein is fish, beef, pork, turkey, chicken, or wild game.
Vegetable protein can come from a single plant or plant combinations. My favorite is brown rice & black-eyed peas. Here is an abbreviated list: seitan (a fancy name for wheat gluten), tofu, soybeans, lentils (a specific variety of bean), garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas), kidney beans, pinto beans (yummy), black beans (makes a great vegetable-based chili), green peas, amaranth, quinoa, oats, oatmeal, peanuts, and peanut butter.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your body requires water to process all foods.
M: How do you keep a fish from smelling?
N: Cut off it’s nose.
2- A couple of Ham Radio Test Questions:
What is meant by the term Third Party Communications?
A message from a control operator to another amateur station control operator on behalf of another person.
Which of the following restrictions apply when a non-licensed person is allowed to speak to a foreign station using a station under the control of a Technician class control operator?
The foreign station must be one with which the U.S. has a third-party agreement.
When must the station licensee make the station and its records available for FCC inspection?
At any time upon request by an FCC representative. (NOTE: The FCC does not have to have a Search Warrant to enter your shack or inspect your records.)
O: Where does a mouse keep her money?
P: In a Swiss Cheese Account.
3- Here is a handy & cheap way to filter sediment, dirt, and turbidity out of raw water.
Take a water bottle and cut the top off to make a small funnel. And you have the bottom part of the bottle to catch the drippings.
Cover the funnel with your bandana or t-shirt to catch the dirt and bugs. Pour the raw water through the cloth-covered funnel as a pre-treatment.
Now treat or filter the water to make the water potable.
Q: Why do hummingbirds hum when they fly around?
R: They don’t know the words.
“To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt
Esto Paratus,