Sit. Rep. #152: Remember / Reminders…

1-Remember: Print out the directions to the trailhead or camp for the driver.  Electronics do not always work.  Be Prepared with a backup. A copy of printed directions with each vehicle/driver/co-pilot. 2 copies of all permits, reservations, and contacts.  A copy with 2 different folks. Trail maps, Topo maps – 2 copies with each Patrol. … Read more

Sit. Rep. #143: Pirates and Pasta

1- You may have noticed that these Sit. Rep.s have a lot of references to WEATHER.  When we are at home, car, school, church, the gym, friend’s house… we are out of the weather and that is about as much as we think about it.  Except when to go out into the weather we wear … Read more

Sit. Rep. #137: Priority Purchasing-I, Altitude

1- Hiking is hard on your feet compared to an average school or workday.  You will usually cover many more miles through rougher terrain.  If you are backpacking; then your feet and legs are carrying more weight than normal.  I coach beginning backpackers to concentrate their first purchases on shoes and socks.  Ask your fellow … Read more

Sit. Rep. #128: Repeaters, Wear First

1- FM – Ham Operations: What type of amateur station simultaneously re-transmits the signal of another amateur station on a different channel or frequency?       Repeater station What types of amateur stations can automatically re-transmit the signals of other amateur stations?      Repeater, auxiliary, or space stations Which of the following describes a linked repeater … Read more

Sit. Rep. #119: CQ, Down Hill, Sharks

1- Where to camp?  The basic answer, that Scouts follow, is where you make the least impact on the environment, wildlife, and fellow campers.  Most State & Federal parks (and private campgrounds) have specific campsites that you MUST use. In wilderness areas these are some of my considerations when selecting an area to set up … Read more

Sit. Rep. #117: On the Cheap but Wise

1- Ham test questions: For which license classes are new licenses currently available from the FCC?       Technician, General, Amateur Extra What is the normal term for an FCC-issued primary station/operator amateur radio license grant?      Ten years How soon after passing the examination for your first amateur radio license may you operate … Read more