1- Have you ever looked under the kitchen sink and wondered why certain pipes were laid out the way they are? Hot & cold water (usually) come out of the wall (or out of the floor) with a shutoff valve before hooking up to the faucets. These are the 2 skinny water lines that are under pressure. Sometimes you have a 3rd water line going off to the dishwasher from the hot water. Another water line may go off to the ice maker from the cold water line.
What else do you have at the sink? Yep, a drain. The drain lines are usually bigger. They are usually either chrome or white. Real old houses have black iron pipes. The drainpipe has a 180 degree “u” turn that is called a trap. From the trap, the drain goes down through the floor (another 180-degree turn) or through the back of the cabinets into the wall (a 90-degree turn).
Why is it called a “trap”? The U-turn traps a cup or 2 of water to make a vapor barrier that seals the inside of the house from the sewer gases that flow back out of the sewer. Yes, Sewer gasses smell like it sounds like they would (YUCK!). And the sewer gasses also can collect and explode. (double YUCK). So where do the sewer gasses go? Look on the roof and you will see several (usually black) pipes sticking up. These are called Vent Stacks. And they vent sewer gasses from the pipes.
The trap is usually where the sink stops up. I smell a joke coming on.
A- Luke, Why do you call Duct Tape the Force.
B- I has a dark side and holds the Universe together.
2- I suggest an Analog Watch. It can substitute as a compass – unlike a digital watch. You can also find North using the Sun or the Moon (check it out in your Scout Hand Book).
3- Since we are not going out much and the all of the cars built since (about) 1980 has a computer. The computer is a constant, small drain on the battery. Learn how to hook up a battery charger and keep the car ready to go. And also learn how to hook up another car to do a jump start. Hook and unhook the jumper cables safely. Get an adult to help you do both safely.
C- What is so delicate that it breaks every time you say it’s name?
D- Silence.
4- Let us play a mind game: You are the new Captain of a US Nuclear Navy Submarine. Your assignment is to see how long your boat can stay underwater. You know that Nuke Boats can generate their own electricity, heat, air conditioning, water, and oxygen. What is the limiting factor that you must confront to complete your assignment?
5- Ham Radio:
Current is the flow of electrons in a circuit. Current flows from the positive (+) terminal of the voltage source through the circuit to the negative terminal of the voltage source. Current is measured in amperes (Amps). We use the letter A to stand for amperes.
What is the name for the flow of electrons in an electric circuit? Current
Electrical current is measured in which of the following units? Amperes (Amps)
AC stands for Alternating Current. That is what comes out of the wall outlet. Usually 120-110 volts, 220 volts for dryers & stoves.
DC stands for Direct Current. That comes from batteries or a Power Supply. A Power Supply changes 110 Volts AC to 12 Volts DC for your radio to use. Your car power outlet is 12 VDC. The car battery is 12 VDC.
NOTE: Those “wall warts” that charge your phone & tablets are actually power supplies. Read the label to see what the voltage is that comes out of the wall wart. The “~” symbol means AC Current. A dashed or solid line over a dotted line means DC Current.
Quote from Mrs. Dracula: “Does this cape make me look fat?”
In touch,
The Scout Riddle Book: by Thomas Mercaldo